Pooja's picks from the new AW16 Mango collection

 Hey Squaddies,
I had the pleasure of attending the launch of the new AW16 Mango collection hosted by Grazia Qatar last night at Villaggio mall Doha.
As an avid lover of 'streetstyle' the new 'City Vibes' collection did not disappoint! The collection is exactly what I would wear strolling through the streets of New York with Tina and our #girlsquad! From statement blazers, to elegant ruffle blouses and adorable shift dresses, the collection is sure to have a little something for everyone especially if you are already a Mango fan (like myself).
The Grazia team and Dohas fashion bloggers wearing the new collection.
What is on my shopping list? Well my favourite look was the caramel velvet blazer which is ticking all the right boxes as it oozes sophistication, vintage chic and that 70's feel, not to mention that velvet is a major trend this season! 
I also couldn't resist buying a few cute accessories so stay tuned to our instagram to see more! My verdict? Go check it out, like now, before they sell out and I will probably  see you in there too.


  1. I love your style Pooja! It's incredibly unique :)

    1. Thanks so much girl! Cant wait to check out your blog :-*


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